Welcome by the EIS 2004 Chairs Click here to the paper by Ernst D. Dickmanns
"Three-Stage Visual Perception for Vertebrate-type Dynamic Machine Vision" Engineering in Intelligent Systems 2004 (EIS'2004) on Madeira,
Portugal is the fourth conference in the series. The previous very successful conferences in the series were held in 1998 on Tenerife Island, Spain, in 2000 in Paisley, Scotland, and in 2002 in Malaga, Spain. The title of the conference has its origin in the theory and practice of intelligent systems. The problem of engineering of intelligent systems is in fact the science of transferring the methodologies, the
knowledge and the experiences from the area of artificial intelligence into the daily life, either directly through the applications or indirectly through basic or applied research. The conference originated in order to
provide a wide forum in which the latest developments in the field could be discussed. EIS'2004 is keeping up the tradition of plenary talks that are given daily in the morning and afternoon. It enables
participants to join these presentations for different reasons (importance, overview of the topic, experiences, theoretical background, milestones). This year the plenary speakers are: Lenka Lhotska, Olga Stepankova,
Ernst D. Dickmanns, Claus Rautenstrauch, Klaus Turowski and Peter Kokol. For EIS'2004 we received 160 papers, including the papers within the workshops and special sessions. 95 papers were accepted as
regular papers and 10 as poster papers. It is our pleasure to announce, that the best presented papers will be selected for additional publication in the following International Journals (depending on
the topic of the paper):
- International Journal of Computer Research, published by
Nova Science Books and Journals
Journal of Medical Systems, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers
International Journal of Web Services Research, published by Idea Group Publishing
Journal of Applied Computer Science (JACS), published by Institute of Computer Science
The papers are grouped into the following sessions: - Robotics - Next Generation Vision Systems - Applying Intelligent Systems in Health
- Manufacturing Modelling & Dynamic Systems - Hybrid System Applications - Hybrid Algorithms for Function Approximation and Time Series Prediction
- Standard Components in the Engineering of Intelligent Systems - Information Systems for Mass Customization - Evolutionary Computation and Neural Networks
- Intelligent Mobile Agents in Peer -to- Peer Networks - Image Processing & Computer Vision - Multi-Agent Systems -
Knowledge Representation, Decision Support & Expert Systems - Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems We express our sincerest gratitude to
- the International Program Committee members for the responsible and hard work done by reviewing a large number of draft papers very conscientiously and promptly.
- the authors of the papers for contributing their ideas and research results and for the effort in producing the final versions.
- the members of the Local Organizing Committee, who worked tirelessly to make this conference a success,
- the University of Madeira for the sponsorship of the audio visual equipment
- Dr¥ Alberto Jo¥o Jardim, President of the Madeira Government, Prof. Dr. Rúben Antunes Capela, Rector of Madeira University and Prof. Dr. Ludwig Streit President of the Mathematical Science Centre, for the
- Jeanny S.Ryffel and Dawn Jackson from ICSC for the unselfish work in organization of the conference
We like to welcome the international scientific community to the Island of Madeira in Portugal and Madeira University. The Island of Madeira is the island of eternal spring - famous for their
natural beauty and for the hospitality of their people. The spectacular landscape and singular climate of Madeira makes it especially attractive to tourists who always marvel at the mountains that reach towards the sky,
steep cliffs that lean into the blue sea. Few places on can rival Madeira's wealth of natural gifts, especially in such a small area. Indigenous flora combines with an immense variety of plants from the farthest corners
of the world in glorious harmony, making the islands a very beautiful and inspiring haven for plant enthusiasts. Madeira University (UMa) is a young institution (founded at 1988). The courses
durations at UMa vary 4 to 5 years, depending if education oriented or scientific. The education-oriented courses have a post-graduate training on the 5th
year. The scientific ones have a one-semester final course project to do at the 5th
year. The UMa has established some collaboration protocols with other national and European institution to promote interchange of students and teachers.
We wish you a pleasant stay and successful scientific work. EIS 2004 Chairs: Ana Isabel Portugal de Almada Cardoso, Madeira University, Portugal, General Chair
Tatjana Welzer, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Vice Chair Marjan Druzovec, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Scientific Program Chair: |