interdisciplinary research

Fourth International ICSC Symposium on
in collaboration with the University of Madeira
Island of Madeira, Portugal
February 29 – March 2, 2004




Information Systems for Mass Customization (ISMC 2004)
Sunday, February 29, 2004, 11.10 – 11.35

Session Chair:

Klaus Turowski


Paper Title:

Information System Design for Mass Customization – Integrating CRM and SCM



B. Selk, University of Augsburg
K. Turowski, Chair of Business Information Systems II, University of Augsburg
C. Winnewisser, University of Augsburg



Many of the current initiatives for the practical, IT-supported employment of the concept of mass customization are generally based on the exploitation of modular designs, which limit the customer's choice largely to a guided configuration of the end product, without being able to take substantial influence on functions such as design, fabrication, assembly and distribution. To overcome these shortcomings and to provide a direct link from the customer interface to all relevant functions for fulfillment throughout the whole production network, this paper introduces the concept of demand driven supply networks and lays out the concept for a data and process model integrating multiple sales channels and the customer relationship management (CRM) function on the one hand with supply chain management (SCM), product data management (PDM) and logistics functions in a supply network on the other hand. This proposed process model aims to serve as a basis for designing integrated information systems that support mass customization in demand driven supply networks.

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