interdisciplinary research

Fourth International ICSC Symposium on
in collaboration with the University of Madeira
Island of Madeira, Portugal
February 29 – March 2, 2004




Manufacturing Modeling and Dynamic Systems
Tuesday, March 02, 2004, 11.30 – 11.50

Session Chair:
Vice Chair:

H. Junno
B. Raducanu


Paper Title:

Fuzzy Approach to Risk Assessment in the Crisis Management Systems



P. Golinska, Institute of Management Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Prof. M. Fertsch, Institute of Management Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Poland



The aim of the paper is to propose the theoretical framework for the design of a risk assessment tool that might be successfully implemented into the crisis management system of manufacturing organisation. The paper presents the potential application of the fuzzy sets theory in the design of risk assessment tool that breaks down the complex problems associated with crisis management into discrete units that supplies aid in the process of understanding and assessing the level of risk. Units included in the designed tool are developed using fuzzy sets theory. The risk assessment tool is designed for management of risk from man -induce disasters. The emphasis is placed on the pre-impact crisis phases like mitigation and preparation, which are bounded with high costs but also benefits when being successful.
The article is divided into five sections: Section 2 presents the theoretical introduction to the crisis management. Section 3 describes risk assessment methodology and discuses briefly techniques that might be applied to the risk assessment in manufacturing organisation. Section 4 proposes the risk assessment tool and points the problems that might occur in process of risk assessment within the framework of manufacturing organisation. Final conclusion is stated in section 5.

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