Session: |
Intelligent Mobile Agents in Peer -to- Peer Networks Sunday, February 29, 2004, 12.40 – 13.00 |
Session Chair: Vice Chair: |
Jorge Marx-Gomez Daniel Lübke |
Paper Title: |
AGVENT: Agent Based Distributed Event System |
Author(s): |
O.K. Sahingoz, Computer Engineering Dept., Airforce Academy, Istanbul, Turkey N. Erdogan, Computer Engineering Dept, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey |
Abstract: |
In recent years, a growing attention has been paid to the publish/subscribe communication paradigm as a means for disseminating information (also called events) through distributed systems on wide-area networks. As it allows events to be propagated in a way that is completely hidden to the component that has generated them as well as to its receivers, it is particularly interesting when easy reconfiguration and decoupling among components in a distributed system is required. The historical development of publish/subscribe systems has followed a line which has evolved from channel-based systems, to subject-based systems, next content-based systems and finally object-based systems. In this paper, we propose a new model for agent based distributed events systems, the Agvent System, which combines the advantages of publish/subscribe communication and mobile agents into a flexible and extensible distributed execution environment. The Agvent system exploits mobile agents as mediators between participants of an event based distributed system. |